The Health Care Crisis still here, and bigger than ever.
The Health Care Crisis still here, and bigger than ever.

You may have thought the Health Care Crisis had gone away… It didn’t.
…It is still out there looming and is impacting your life right now. And will have an even bigger impact in the future if nothing changes.
The reason that the Health Care Crisis makes me nauseous is because as a country, we have all just been through the Housing Mortgage Crisis/The Great Recession and many of us are still recovering.
It finally seems like things are just getting good again, and here we are talking about another crisis… But we can’t just ignore it.
If we had only known about the Housing Mortgage Crisis before it happened… maybe, we could have avoided the crisis and avoided or at least minimized the Great Recession.
The Health Care Crisis is such a large topic and has the potential of becoming a HUGE out of control crisis that we split this article into 2 parts, in order to be able to thoroughly cover it.
In Part 1 of "The Health Care Crisis" we will address the:
The Health Care “Cost” Crisis,
Which is already effecting all of us with the “out of control” increasing health care cost. It is forcing 400,000 people a year in the United States to file for Bankruptcy due to Medical Bill Debt… and adding to the United States $23 Trillion debt.
The “Health” Care Crisis
Individually and collectively as a population, we are becoming sicker and sicker every year at an alarming rate…. But no one is even looking at that part of the Health Care Crisis.
In Part 2 of "The Health Care Crisis" we will address:
Who is to Blame
The Dilemma and the Solution
The Health Care Crisis can’t be ignored… So Let’s get Started with Part 1
Understanding the Health Care Crisis...Part 1
The Health Care "Cost" Crisis
Total U.S. Healthcare Expenditures
The United States spent $3.4 Trillion dollars on Health Care in 2016
Health care cost continues to outpace inflation and is expected to reach 4 trillion dollars by 2018.
$10,016 will be spent per person on health care in 2016... which is double the average amount spent per person in other developed countries.
$16,351 Average cost of Health Insurance for a family of 4 with a $3,000 deductible
MNsure health insurance premiums are expected to raise 50%-100% in 2017.
#1 cause of bankruptcy in the United States is medical debt.
Over 400,000 people file medical bankruptcy annually.
The United Stated consumes 56% of all prescription drugs in the world…But we are only 5% of the world’s population.
Prescription Costs Total over $400 billion per year and the prices rose 10% last year.
Over 4 billion prescriptions are filled in the United States annually.
Chronic Health Conditions account for 75% of Total Health Care Costs and 90% of All Prescriptions Filled.
17.5% of every dollar spent in the United States is spent on Health Care.
Economists agree, no country can sustain such a high percentage spent on health care. Health Care Costs threaten the future and financial security of the United States.
The "HEALTH" Care Crisis
The real Health care crisis is that we are getting Sicker, not Healthier.
The number of adults and children with Chronic Health Problems in the United States is growing at an alarming rate and Diabetes is becoming an epidemic.
In 2015, 191 million people in America had at least 1 chronic disease, 75 million had 2 or more chronic diseases
New data finds that 49% of Americans now have a Chronic Condition. The rate is increasing faster than projected
Chronic Health Conditions Include: Heart Disease, Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Back pain, Headaches, Colitis, Asthma, Depression and Cancer… and others
The United States Ranks 37th out of 39 Industrialized Countries and 11th out of the 11 Wealthiest Countries for the level of Health of its Citizens… If I were giving our health care system an overall grade, the United States would get an “F”
Chronic Health Problems are also increasing in our Children
If our children are our future… It’s not looking good.
Autism rates have increased from 1 in 5000 children in 1975 to 1 in 110 children in 2009.
1 in 12 Children are diagnosed with Asthma.
The number of children being diagnosed with ADHD has increased by 50% worldwide.
Antidepressant medication prescriptions increased by 800% in children and 500% in teens from 1993 to 2012.
1 in 4 children now have at least 1 chronic health condition.
Diabetes… The Fastest Growing Health Problem in the United States and the World
Over 30 million Americans are currently diagnosed and another 86 million are pre-diabetic.
Total Cost, $326 billion is estimated in 2016 for treatment and disability.
95% of all Diabetes is Type II and Preventable.
1 in 3 Americans will be diabetic by 2050.
Type II diabetes is dramatically increasing in children due to diet, lack of exercise and increased obesity.
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8:00am - 11:30am
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2:30pm - 6:00pm
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