Minneapolis Chiropractor…Relieving Sacroiliac Joint Pain with Chiropractic Care
Minneapolis Chiropractor...Relieving Sacroiliac Joint Pain with Chiropractic Care

The sacroiliac (SI) joints are the link between the sacrum and the right and left iliac bones. The sacrum is the triangular-shaped bone in the bottom region of the spine, lower than the lumbar spine. While most of the bones (vertebrae) of the spine are pliable and able to move freely, the sacrum is made up of five vertebrae that are joined together and are not able to move. The iliac bones are the two large bones that make up the pelvis.
As a result, the SI joints connect the spine to the pelvis. The sacrum and the iliac bones are connected together by segments of strong ligaments. Not much movement goes on at the SI joints. Most of the movement in the region of the pelvis happens either at the hips or the lumbar spine. These joints support an enormous amount of body weight which places a large amount of pressure and stress across them. This can lead to wearing of the cartilage of the SI joints and arthritis.
SI Joint dysfunction causes
Just like other joints in the body, the SI joints have a cartilage layer that shelters the bone. The cartilage makes room for some movement and acts as a shock absorber between the bones. When this cartilage is damaged or worn away, the bones start to rub on each other, which cause degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis). This is the most common cause of SI joint dysfunction. Degenerative arthritis typically occurs in the SI joints, just like other weight-bearing joints of the body.
Any condition that alters the normal walking pattern places a huge amount of stress on the SI joints. This could include a leg length discrepancy (one leg longer than the other), or pain in the hip, knee, ankle, or foot. Patients who experience extreme pain in the lower extremity often develop problems with either the lower back or SI joints. If the underlying problem is treated, the associated lumbar spine or SI joint dysfunction will also get better.
SI Joint dysfunction symptoms
One of the common symptoms of SI joint dysfunction is pain. Patients generally experience pain in the lower back or the back of the hips. Pain may also occur in the groin and thighs. In a lot of cases, it can be hard to figure out the exact source of the pain. Your chiropractor can perform certain tests to help pinpoint the source of the pain. The pain generally gets worse with standing and walking and improved when lying down. Inflammation and arthritis in the SI joint can also cause stiffness and a burning sensation in the pelvis.
Chiropractic care & physical therapy can help
Chiropractic care and physical therapy has been proven to be more effective for SI joint dysfunction than medications and surgery in many cases. A physical therapist can teach various stretching or stabilizing exercises that can help reduce the pain, while a chiropractor can help realign your spine with spinal adjustments.
Chiropractic care is about overall health and well-being, not just a quick fix. We work with every patient to help tailor a special treatment plan specific to their condition.
If you have SI joint pain, don't suffer any longer--call us today at 612-822-0149!
8:00am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6:00pm
2:30pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:30am
Saturday & Sunday
Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness
5313 Lyndale Avenue S
Minneapolis, MN 55419
(612) 822-0149