Chiropractic Treatment Minneapolis MN
Chiropractic Treatment Minneapolis MN

When most people think about chiropractic care, they think about low back pain treatments. While a lot of patients are referred to a chiropractic office to treat back pain, chiropractic care offers so much more than that.
More than 30 million people visit a chiropractor each year for all kinds of pain, conditions and symptoms. But you don't have to be in pain or suffer from injuries to visit the chiropractic office. In fact, many people go to the chiropractic office to increase their overall health and well-being naturally and holistically. It is a lot like brushing your teeth on a routine basis to help keep them healthy.
What Does Chiropractic Cure?
Nothing! It simply puts the body back to as close to original as possible so it can function as close to original as possible. With the therapies and exercises at Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellnessand the ones you are trained to do at home, you are in control of many aspects of your health and healing.
What Can Chiropractors Treat?
From common pain to life changing injuries, chiropractic treatment can benefit everyone including those who suffer with:
- Auto Accident injuries; Whiplash or Headaches
- Work Injuries; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Stress, Fatigue etc.
- Back Pain and Stiffness Conditions and Symptoms
- Neck Pain Conditions and Symptoms
- Personal Injuries: Slips, Falls or just Pain you wake up with
- Migraines
- Diseases
- Pregnancy
- Arthritis
- and much more!
Why Choose Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractors have a different way of addressing the body. They know that the body works and functions as a whole, not just one system or part at a time.
Chiropractors combine a variety of hands-on techniques that are holistic, natural and non-surgical with the science and technology of modern medicine and physical rehabilitation. Chiropractic care focuses on naturally balancing and optimizing the function of the body in order to promote and maintain health.
Whether you have life-halting pain and are looking for a solution, suffer with occasional tightness and aches, or just want an evaluation to see if chiropractic care is right for you, we have numerous treatment options to choose from including spinal adjustments, massage therapy and exercise therapies.
If you have any questions about chiropractic treatments, call Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellnesstoday at 612-822-0149. Start living your life the way you want to!
8:00am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6:00pm
2:30pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:30am
Saturday & Sunday
Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness
5313 Lyndale Avenue S
Minneapolis, MN 55419
(612) 822-0149