Car Accident Doctor Minneapolis MN
Car Accident Doctor Minneapolis MN

No-Fault Car Insurance State
The geographic state where you live has a big impact on the type of Motor Vehicle Insurance Coverage that you must carry. If you are insured in MN or living here when you have a Car Accident, there is automatically coverage for injuries. Minnesota is a No-Fault Insurance State which may be confusing. Rather than wait to seek treatment because of worry over the medical bills, your insurance will cover the cost of medical and NOT RAISE YOUR RATES because of these payments. Regardless of who was at fault, if you were a passenger, driver or riding a bike when you were injured. Residents who have suffered a painful injury and want to pursue immediate treatment are encouraged to do so before a minor injury becomes a major one.
Auto Accidents account for a large number of injuries that may be successfully treated at Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness& and Wellness in Minneapolis MN. Since we live in a No Fault State, we are often able to provide patients with prompt Auto Insurance Covered, pain relieving chiropractic treatments and massage before the injury is allowed to worsen.
No-Fault Personal Injury Protection
A No-Fault Policy is not meant to cover all costs associated with a car accident but rather to provide Personal Injury Protection (PIP) for injuries resulting from an auto accident. Medical expenses, including Chiropractic Care and Massage are billed through your policy’s PIP. Any of the remaining covered expenses may be put in a claim against the other driver if they are found to be liable for the auto accident. If transportation is a concern because of damage to your vehicle, you may be reimbursed for alternate transportation during that time in addition to mileage to and from medical appointments throughout the duration of your care.
MN Auto Accident Insurance Coverage
Minnesota Automobile Insurance Coverage is meant to protect drivers and passengers from the financial burden of an Auto Accident Injury. The MN No-Fault Policy Law was put in place to help ease unnecessary burden on the court system and to speed up the process of obtaining prompt medical attention for injuries. For full information on the MN Statute 65B your can click here.
Auto Accident Insurance Claims Process
You have 12 months to open a claim because many times whiplash or other injuries seem like they will go away or are just a minor annoyance at first. We will bill the insurance directly not you for expenses related to the accident. Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness& and Wellness can provide you with an accurate evaluation of your car accident injuries. If necessary we will refer you out to specialists for testing or a second opinion. Our patients receive documented proof of medical expenses for auto accident injuries that we have treated.
Our staff can also assist with the No-Fault Auto Insurance Claims Process taking away or minimizing that type of pain as well.
MN No-Fault Minimum Auto Insurance Coverage
The No-Fault Portion of your Minnesota auto insurance policy has a minimum coverage amount of $40,000. Half of the $40,000 ($20,000) may be used for medical expenses to treat your Auto Accident Injuries such as whiplash, back injury, neck injury or soft tissue injury. The other half can be used to cover non-medical qualified expenses such as lost wages. Your individual auto insurance policy may be higher, depending on the amount of coverage that you purchased.
Minneapolis Chiropractic and and Wellness Clinic
Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness is a well-respected Minneapolis Chiropractic Clinic. Over the course of 25 years, our skilled chiropractors and staff have played a major role in improving the lives of our patients. If you have been involved in an auto accident, don’t waste any time in scheduling a complete evaluation of your injuries. Car Accident victims can receive prompt care through their Auto Insurance Personal Injury Protection Coverage since MN is a No-Fault Insurance State.
To see what happens in a typical “minor” accident of 6 miles per hour, check out this video of a live person crash test.
In Minneapolis MN, schedule an appointment today with Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness& and Wellness at: (612) 822-0149.
8:00am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6:00pm
2:30pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:30am
Saturday & Sunday
Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness
5313 Lyndale Avenue S
Minneapolis, MN 55419
(612) 822-0149