Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness Blog

chiropractic pregnancy care minneapolis

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy Pregnancy is an extremely exciting time. Bringing a new baby into the world is a powerful experience that many women look forward to for their whole lives. With all of the magic and excitement of new baby, pregnancy can be also physically difficult and take a toll on a mom’s body.…

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insurance chiropractor south minneapolis

Chiropractor That Works With Insurance Companies

Chiropractor That Works With Insurance Companies At Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness& and Wellness we work with your insurance company to help make chiropractic care affordable to all. Located in South Minneapolis, our team has more than 25 years of experience working with the Minneapolis community to help provide pain relief to our clients. With passion…

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back pain chiropractor in minneapolis

Back Pain

Sore Back Doctor The possible causes of a sore back are nearly infinite. A sore back can occur because of overuse and fatigue, or because of a car accident, a fall from a ladder, a bad mattress and everything in between. And, while there are instances in which back pain will go away entirely on…

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arthritis chiropractor in minneapolis


Arthritis Research has shown that more than 3 million Americans have arthritis, which is a disease that causes your joints to become inflamed. In turn, arthritis can cause serious pain and stiffness that tends to get worse as you age. Unfortunately, arthritis cannot be cured, but it can be managed. If you have recently been…

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Golfing Injury Minneapolis Chiropractor

Golfing Injury Minneapolis Chiropractor

Golfing Injury Minneapolis Chiropractor “Four!” That’s what people are supposed to say when a golf ball is headed their way. The sad thing is not everyone may hear or comprehend in time to move and doesn’t it always hit that person? Ugh, golf is such a frustrating game! Whether you are playing for fun or…

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tennis elbow injury doctor minneapolis

Tennis Elbow Doctor Near Me

Tennis Elbow Doctor Near Me If you have ever had tennis elbow, or you are currently suffering from this condition, you know that it’s nothing to mess around with. Tennis elbow can be extremely painful and if left untreated, it can eventually result in chronic pain and weakness of the arm. While its nickname, tennis…

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