Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness Blog

Minneapolis MN Chiropractic for Headaches

Minneapolis MN Chiropractic for Headaches

Minneapolis MN Chiropractic for Headaches If you are suffering from headaches then Minneapolis MN chiropractic care may be the solution you are looking for! There are many different types of headaches and the cause of headaches can vary. These include: Cervical Origin Headaches – These are when you have a headache that comes from the…

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shoulder pain minneapolis

Shoulder pain, upper back pain even lower back pain affecting 18-24 year olds thanks to technology

Shoulder pain, upper back pain even lower back pain affecting 18-24 year olds thanks to technology More frightening than a ghoul, ghost or goblin on your doorstep this Halloween is the fact that 18-24 year olds miss more days of work per year to back pain than their parents’ generation. Low back pain is the…

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Chiropractic Care for Arthritis in Minneapolis MN

Chiropractic Care for Arthritis in Minneapolis MN

Chiropractic Care for Arthritis in Minneapolis MN The literal meaning of arthritis is inflammation of a joint. There are many causes of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis results from an autoimmune disease. The specific cause of this type of arthritis is not yet fully known. The effects are painful swelling and disfiguration that is generally seen in…

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Treating Whiplash Symptoms with Physical Therapy in South Minneapolis

Treating Whiplash Symptoms with Physical Therapy in South Minneapolis

Treating Whiplash Symptoms with Physical Therapy in South Minneapolis With the winter season in full swing, the roads are very slippery. Even if they do not look like it, there is the potential for black ice and auto accidents. Just yesterday someone lost control of their pickup on the ice and flew off the 35…

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and South Minneapolis Chiropractic Care

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and South Minneapolis Chiropractic Care

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and South Minneapolis Chiropractic Care Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and South Minneapolis Chiropractic Care Ever since you started working more at your computer on the job or at home, you’ve been noticing a numbing sensation in your hands and/or wrists which has been growing worse for months. Out of nowhere, you feel a…

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Personal Injury and Chiropractic CareFrom a South Minneapolis Chiropractor

Personal Injury and Chiropractic CareFrom a South Minneapolis Chiropractor

Personal Injury and Chiropractic CareFrom a South Minneapolis Chiropractor Personal Injury and Chiropractic Care What is Personal Injury? If you have been in a car accident, injured at work, tripped on the street, injured at home, or made an assault claim, you have been in a personal injury. A personal injury is a legal term…

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