Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness Blog

car accident chiropractic office minneapolis

Auto Accident Low Back Pain Relief…Minneapolis Chiropractor

Auto Accident Low Back Pain Relief…Minneapolis Chiropractor Car accidents are never fun, and the pain that usually accompanies a car collision makes it even worse. Car accident injuries can have many symptoms–you may experience immediate or unexpected pain lasting for weeks or even months. If you consider yourself lucky to walk away from the accident…

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Whiplash Pain Relief South Minneapolis MN

Whiplash Pain Relief South Minneapolis MN

Whiplash Pain Relief South Minneapolis MN Whiplash is an injury to the soft tissues of the neck from a sudden jerking or “whipping” of the head. This type of motion strains the muscles and ligaments of the neck beyond their normal range of motion. Being in a sports injury or car accident commonly causes whiplash.…

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Work Injury Chiropractic Care South Minneapolis

Work Injury Chiropractic Care South Minneapolis

Work Injury Chiropractic Care South Minneapolis Workplace injuries are any occupational injury or illness that is caused by elements in your workplace, which can include specific tasks you are paid to perform or accidents while at the workplace. Injuries can occur at any type of workplace including factories, construction sites, offices, retail stores, and warehouses.…

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Minneapolis Chiropractor…Relieving Sacroiliac Joint Pain with Chiropractic Care

Minneapolis Chiropractor…Relieving Sacroiliac Joint Pain with Chiropractic Care

Minneapolis Chiropractor…Relieving Sacroiliac Joint Pain with Chiropractic Care The sacroiliac (SI) joints are the link between the sacrum and the right and left iliac bones. The sacrum is the triangular-shaped bone in the bottom region of the spine, lower than the lumbar spine. While most of the bones (vertebrae) of the spine are pliable and…

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Chiropractic Care Needed After Riding ATV

Chiropractic Care Needed After Riding ATV

Chiropractic Care Needed After Riding ATV There has been a startling increase in injuries and mortalities from the use of ATVs. Not only is it because ATVs have become more for recreational fun, but it also is attributed to the production of larger, faster, and more powerful ATVs. Commonly, people who use or even own…

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minneapolis chiropractor

Minneapolis MN Chiropractic

Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy Minneapolis MNMinneapolis MN Chiropractic Many people are seeing the benefits of Minneapolis MN Chiropractic care. Chiropractors focus the care that they give to patients based on the reason for their visit as well as their whole-body health. Chiropractic care addresses the issues that are present and also discovers and addresses…

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