Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness Blog

hip pain minneapolis

Hip Pain Minneapolis MN

Hip Pain Minneapolis MN Before you jump into the operating room, check out how chiropractic care could help relieve your hip pain symptoms. What Causes Hip Pain? The hip bone is extremely important but goes unnoticed unless it is injured or shifted. Your hip is the joint where your thigh bone connects to your pelvis…

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chiropractic doctor in minneapolis

Chiropractic Care Minneapolis MN

Chiropractic Care Minneapolis MN What is Chiropractic Care? Although most people have heard of chiropractors, many have no clue or a distorted idea of what a chiropractor does. The basic accurate understanding of chiropractic care is simply that it is an approach to health care that uses spinal manipulation to relieve pain. While this may…

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chiropractic doctor in minneapolis

Chiropractic Treatment Minneapolis MN

Chiropractic Treatment Minneapolis MN When most people think about chiropractic care, they think about low back pain treatments. While a lot of patients are referred to a chiropractic office to treat back pain, chiropractic care offers so much more than that. More than 30 million people visit a chiropractor each year for all kinds of…

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south minneapolis chiropractor

South Minneapolis Chiropractor Treats ATV Accident Injuries with Chiropractic Care

South Minneapolis Chiropractor Treats ATV Accident Injuries with Chiropractic Care When all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) were brought to the United States in the 1970s, they became instantly popular. Today, people use ATVs for many jobs–which include snow plowing and maintaining farmland– to riding them around just for recreation on family farms, in off-road and mountainous areas,…

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work injury minneapolis

Work Injury and the Insurance Company in MN

Work Injury and the Insurance Company in MN Work injuries are very common. In fact, practically every employee will suffer from back pain or another type of work related injury at some point during their career. Daily work, whether standing or sitting for a long period of time, often involves repetitive motions. Regardless of if…

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Auto Accident Whiplash, and Chiropractic Care by a South Minneapolis Chiropractor

Auto Accident Whiplash, and Chiropractic Care by a South Minneapolis Chiropractor

Auto Accident Whiplash, and Chiropractic Care by a South Minneapolis Chiropractor Whiplash Pain Relief Approximately 3 million whiplash injuries happen each year in the United States, and 45 percent of those people will develop chronic neck pain caused by that whiplash. Whiplash is a non-medical term that characterizes a variety of injuries to the neck…

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