Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness Blog

Sports Injury Doctor Minneapolis MN

Sports Injury Doctor Minneapolis MN

Sports Injury Doctor Minneapolis MN For many people, sports bring so much joy to the lives of children and adults. Playing sports is a fun way to exercise, channel emotions, and even socialize. However, what do you do if an injury occurs while you are playing a sport? Well, chiropractic care has quickly become a…

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Neck Pain Doctor Minneapolis MN

Neck Pain Doctor Minneapolis MN

Neck Pain Doctor Minneapolis MN “You are a pain in the neck.” There’s always a reason behind old sayings like these. It makes a lot of sense, right? The obnoxious, ever-lingering, shooting pain of someone with chronic neck pain is much like a persistent, always-making-a-mess person that you just can’t get rid of. While we…

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Auto Injury & Recovery Minneapolis

Auto Injury & Recovery Minneapolis

Auto Injury & Recovery Minneapolis Chiropractic Approach to Healing The busy summer travel season is well underway bringing an increase to the number of cars, bikes, motorcycles, pedestrians, etc on Minnesota roads. With the increased amount of traffic comes statistically an increase in the number of vehicle crashes and vehicle related Injuries. Some of the…

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Most Common Forms of Arthritis

Most Common Forms of Arthritis

Most Common Forms of Arthritis According to the Arthritis Foundation, over 50 million adults have a doctor’s diagnosis of arthritis. 50 million! Additionally, approximately 300,000 babies and children have some type of rheumatic condition or arthritis. Arthritis pain is our nation’s number one cause of disability and can therefore limit one’s ability to work the…

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Auto Injury & Recovery Minneapolis MN

Auto Injury & Recovery Minneapolis MN

Auto Injury & Recovery Minneapolis MN Living in a big city like Minneapolis, MN, there are auto accidents throughout the city on a daily basis. Some are minor fender benders, while others may involve injury to not only the car, but also the passengers. Sudden impact from any angle can cause individuals involved in a…

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Work Injury Chiropractic MN

Work Injury Chiropractic MN

Work Injury Chiropractic MN At Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness, we specialize in chiropractic services to suit every patient’s needs and lifestyle, including treating patients for work-related injuries. Although taking time off work to seek treatment never sounds like the best option to anyone who’s been injured on the job, the fact is, by continuing to…

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