Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness Blog

Are you an accidental drug addict?

Are you an accidental drug addict?

Are you an accidental drug addict? Did you know that making Chiropractic care your 1st choice for Pain Treatment could literally save your life and prevent you from becoming a drug addict? ……Yes, it is true. Over 14,000 people died in 2014 from overdosing on this one very popularly prescribed pain medication…and that same year…

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Are you an accidental drug addict?

Dr. Olsons Confession

Dr. Olsons Confession Dr. Jonathon Olson shares why he became a chiropractor I used to think that was a bunch of “BS” and Quackery…. No Joking! Have you ever mentioned the word Chiropractor to a friend or family member… only to have them tell you that they do not believe in Chiropractic, that they think…

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Chiropractic Relief for Headaches MN

Chiropractic Relief for Headaches MN

Chiropractic Relief for Headaches MN If you have ever suffered from a severe headache, it is a fair to say that you would do just about anything to never feel that pain again. Most commonly, people immediately turn to over the counter or prescription drugs for pain relief. After all it’s so common, what harm…

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Massage Therapy Minneapolis

Massage Therapy Minneapolis

Massage Therapy Minneapolis Nokomis Chiropractic and WellnessCare serves Minneapolis residents with a full range of chiropractic medicine, including prescriptions for massage therapy as needed. With Nokomis Massage Center located in the same building, it is often convenient to combine the two for amazing results. Nokomis is uniquely qualified to help you with all of your…

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Why I immediately wanted to become a Chiropractor once I learned what Chiropractic really is.

Why I immediately wanted to become a Chiropractor once I learned what Chiropractic really is.

Whiplash Pain Relief MinneapolisWhy I immediately wanted to become a Chiropractor once I learned what Chiropractic really is. Why I immediately wanted to become a Chiropractor once I learned what Chiropractic really is. Most people don’t know it, but I was pre-med in college and used to be skeptical of Chiropractic. I thought that it…

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The Health Care Crisis still here, and bigger than ever.

The Health Care Crisis still here, and bigger than ever.

The Health Care Crisis still here, and bigger than ever. You may have thought the Health Care Crisis had gone away… It didn’t. …It is still out there looming and is impacting your life right now. And will have an even bigger impact in the future if nothing changes. The reason that the Health Care…

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